Author: The Reykjavík Grapevine
Hotel Employees and Truck Drivers On Strike
Truck drivers and hotel employees who are members of the Efling labour union went on strike as of noon today….
Grapevine New Music Picks: PORT, Dream Wife, Febrúar & More
Friday? More like Fri-yay! Time to roll into the weekend with these fresh new tunes that hit our radar this…
Grapevine Events: Ólafur Kram, Sad Songs Night And Speed Dating
We’re all slogging our way through the second week of February and boy, what a week, isn’t it? After days…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Seabear, BEEF, FLOTT & More
TGI — errr — M? Alright, we’re running late with our weekly music roundup (yes, again). But, hey, there’s no…
Grapevine Events: Winter Lights Festival, Exhibitions And Gigs
Well, the absolute worst winter month is officially upon us. We are in you, February, and it is awful. If…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Flesh Machine, KÁRI, Hylur & More
Last Friday was a bonanza of new Icelandic tracks, so we took a well-deserved break before presenting the crème de…
Grapevine Events: Dark Music Days, Pussy Riot, Halfway To Fringe And Super Soaker!
It’s the last weekend of the month, and it’s all set to be a miserable one. Don’t believe us? Check…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Post-dreifing, Lexzi, Antsy and TRPTYCH!
OH BOY IT’S THE WEEKEND. How better to celebrate than with some new music? Ok, well we can think about…
Grapevine Events: Grapevine Music Awards, DRULLUMALL #3, FM Belfast, And More!
We’ve almost made it… pay day is so close we can almost smell it. With the weather warming up and…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Nanna, Benni Hemm Hemm, Ægir, Yaffle ft. KARÍTAS, Sakaris and The Cult Of One!
BUMPER NEW MUSIC FRIDAY. That’s right, there were so many great releases (including Nanna from Of Monsters And Men’s first…
Grapevine Events: Tertulia Festival, RVK Feminist Film Festival, Ólafur Kram & More
How is it basically half way through January already? Somehow we’ve broken all of our New Year’s resolutions, finished off…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Myrkvi, sameheads & UNDRA
HAPPY NEW YEAR! That’s right, 2022 is dead and we are dancing in its ashes as we celebrate the start…
Grapevine Events: New Year’s Punk, Ólöf Arnalds, and 13th day of Christmas Bonfires
Hello dear January blues, thank you so much for being kind enough to visit us again. While it’s been great…
Grapevine Events: Kælan Mikla, Musicians Defend Ukraine and New Year’s Eve!
How to fill those weird liminal days between Christmas and Hogmanay; the perineum of the year? Luckily there’s a bunch…
Grapevine Events: Prom, Christmas Rave, Skúli Sverrisson & Gustaf Ljunggren, And More!
Sure, Christmas is coming and all, but it’s far from being the only fun occasion on the cards this week….
Grapevine New Music Picks: Sk-Ar, Sandrayati, Geigen, and Kurt Unuela ft. Dave Gahan
Are you freezing your butt off? We were too but then we found these new releases and now we’re hot,…
Grapevine Events: Christmas Markets, Repair Cafe, Gyða, The Women Who Plant Trees, and more!
Jóla Reddingakaffi December 18th at 14:00 – Hafnar.Haus – Free The Roaming Repair Cafe is back in town, this time…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Jónsi & co, amiina, and MariaLing
It’s Friyay! It’s been freezing outside and we can’t wait to wake up not having to brave the windy weather…
Grapevine Events: FUNdraiser, pop-up markets, and a SEEDS screening
FUNdraiser fyrir DJ flugvél og geimskip December 14th at 19:30 – KEX We recently reported that much-loved experimental musician, DJ…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Isafjørd and Baggalútur
HOW IS IT DECEMBER?! I mean… happy Friday. If you too are feeling overwhelmed by the final chapter of this…
Grapevine Events: Heavy Knife Presents, Geigengeist, and Unnur Ýrr Helgadóttir
Heavy Knife presents: Daniel Ness, Countess Malaise, Smjörvi and Drexler December 2nd at 21:00 – Húrra Heavy Knife–a record label…
Andie Sophia’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík
by The Reykjavík Grapevine and Andie Sophia Fontaine
Andie Sophia Fontaine is a journalist, writer, and Trans Iceland board member living in Reykjavík. Originally from Baltimore, she has…
Grapevine New Music Picks: Jae Tyler, Árstíðir, and Emíliana Torrini
Yeah yeah yeah! We have a new gem by Emíliana Torrini, a Gary Newman “Cars”-like single by Jae Tyler, and…
RVK Newscast 225: This Is The End – Valur And Pollý Bid Farewell
Valur Grettisson is quitting as editor-in-chief at the Reykjavík Grapevine. This means that this is the last episode of The…
Grapevine Events: Karaoke, Snorri Helgason & Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, and Ólöf Arnalds
Loft Karaoke November 24th at 20:00 – Loft Hostel – Free Those who’ve been around for a while may remember…