From Iceland — East Iceland Shooter Charged With Attempted Homicide, Amongst Other Charges

East Iceland Shooter Charged With Attempted Homicide, Amongst Other Charges

Published November 29, 2021

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Art Bicnick

The man who went on a shooting spree last August in Egilsstaðir, resulting in him being shot and wounded by police, has been charged with attempted homicide and a host of other charges, Austurfrétt reports.

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In addition to the attempted homicide charge, he also faces charges of violating weapons laws, issuing threats, and child endangerment. These charges arise from further details of the incident uncovered by police investigations.

Amongst these details is having broken into a house with a handgun and a shotgun and pointed it at a woman therein, with the intent of killing the homeowner, who had fled shortly before. While inside, he fired three shots from the shotgun and two from the handgun, damaging the kitchen and bathroom. He then fire six shot from the handgun and three from the shotgun at two vehicles in the garage, damaging both.

Most troubling of all, he pointed a loaded shotgun at two boys in their home, aged 12 and 14, where they sat in the living room. The two children fled from the house and into the woods.

As reported, police arrived on the scene at approximately 22:00 on August 26th and found the man in the driveway of this house. Police ordered the man to drop his weapon. When he refused, police fired on the man, wounding him critically. He was flown to hospital and treated for his injuries, and has been in custody since then.

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