Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Homes Needed For Wild Rabbits Of Reykjavík


Following up on a project that began about two months ago, Dýrahjálp Íslands and Villikanínur, in cooperation with Reykjavík Animal…

Bird Sighted, Spring Officially Here


Although the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere occurred yesterday at 15:33 GMT, Icelanders employ another method to indicate the…

“Beginner’s Difficulties” With Bus App Recognised, Being Worked On


Many users of the new app for Strætó’s bus service, Klappið, have had considerable difficulty using the app. Klappið works…

COVID Roundup: Six In Intensive Care, Incidence Rate Has Declined


According to the latest data from, there are now six people in intensive care with the coronavirus, and 81…

Storm Across The Country Until Friday Evening


The Icelandic Met Office has issued a yellow alert for the entire country, with winds and snow expected until Friday…

Iceland May Remove Religious Org Funding For Jehovah’s Witnesses


After former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Iceland came forward on the news discussion show Kompás, wherein they recounted…

One District Commissioner For The Whole Country Proposed


Minister of Justice Jón Gunnarsson is reportedly considering submitting a bill that would, if passed, reduce the number of district…

Poll: Pirates, Progressives And Left-Greens See Rise In Support In Reykjavík City Council


A new poll from Þjóðarpúls Gallup shows that while the Independence Party remains strongest, three parties have seen a significant…

Campaign To Set Up Access Ramps Expands Beyond Reykjavík


What started as a campaign in Reykjavík–installing 100 access ramps at businesses all over the city–has now expanded its reach…

“We Need To Learn To Live With Rabbits”


Rabbits, who are not native to Iceland but have by all accounts made this country their home, are here to…

Asteroid Explodes Just North Of Iceland


An asteroid known as 2022 EB5 exploded in the upper atmosphere north of Iceland at 21:22 UTC on March 11th….

Storm Warning For Southeast Iceland Through Saturday Morning


The Icelandic Met Office has issued a yellow alert for the entirety of southeast Iceland, in effect now and through…

Gallup: Largest Portion Of Icelanders Favour Joining The European Union


A new poll from Gallup shows the highest level of support for Iceland joining the European Union in 12 years….

Minister Who Lifted All Pandemic Measures Encourages People To Take Responsibility For Preventing Spread Of Virus


It has been nearly two weeks since all pandemic measures were lifted in Iceland, both domestically and at the border….

Iceland & Ukraine: Two Upcoming Events For Supporting Humanitarian Efforts In Ukraine


If you live in Iceland and are wondering how you can help the people of Ukraine, there are a number…

One In Ten Icelanders Now With Coronavirus


According to the latest data from, the 14-day incidence of the coronavirus per 100,000 people is now 10,460. In…

Iceland & Ukraine: Ukrainian Refugees Might Not Get Full Help; Russian Trawlers Banned; Icelandair Loses Stock Value


Ukrainian refugees arriving in Iceland might not get the full rights and protections normally afforded to those seeking international protection…

Icelandic Moonshine Now Available On Store Shelves


MBL reports that the brewery KHB of Borgarfjörður eystri in East Iceland has released a new take on an old…

Iceland & Ukraine: Iceland On Russia’s ‘Unfriendly Countries’ List; Refugees Guest At Justice Minister’s Home; Sanctions Hurting Russians


The Russian government issued a list of countries considered unfriendly by the federation yesterday, TASS reports, and Iceland is on…

Iceland & Ukraine: Cutting Diplomatic Ties With Russia No Simple Matter


Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calls for Iceland to send the Russian ambassador home and cut…

National Church Membership Continues To Decline, Pagans Still Largest Non-Christian Faith


According to the latest data from the National Registry, membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland–better known as simply…

Iceland & Ukraine: Iceland Could Accept Up To 2,000 Ukrainian Refugees, Russian Embassy Vandalised


Up to 2,000 Ukrainian refugees could come to Iceland and apply for international protection, RÚV reports, and Vísir reports that…

‘Creatives For Ukraine’ Seeking Submissions


A newly-launched project called ‘Creatives For Ukraine’ is seeking submissions from artists, designers, illustrators and photographers from around the world,…

The Cure For Cabin Fever: Art!


All pandemic restrictions have now been lifted, both domestically and at the border, so if you’ve grown weary of yet…

The Optimist: First Lady of Iceland, Eliza Reid, On Her New Book, Writing, And Gender Equality


Eliza Reid, the Canadian-born journalist and writer who ended up First Lady of Iceland after her husband, historian Guðni Th….