From Iceland — One In Ten Icelanders Now With Coronavirus

One In Ten Icelanders Now With Coronavirus

Published March 9, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

According to the latest data from, the 14-day incidence of the coronavirus per 100,000 people is now 10,460. In other words, just over one in ten Icelanders now has the coronavirus.

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Landspítali hospital reports that there are currently 69 people in hospital with the virus, including four in intensive care. Hildur Helgadóttir, chair of the infectious diseases committee, told RÚV that infections are hitting those with underlying conditions, allergies, and those who have newly received organ transplants hardest.

Her advice to others is simple: “Landspítali’s message to the general public is that each and every person does well to wear a mask, practice hand sanitising, maintain social distancing, and don’t pretend that COVID doesn’t exist. We’re in the middle of the largest wave that we’ve been able to imagine, and people need to help one another get through this.”

In terms of daily numbers, 2,778 cases of the coronavirus in Iceland were recorded yesterday; 2,599 of those from rapid testing, and 179 from PCR testing.

There are currently 69 people in hospital with the coronavirus and four in intensive care. 7% of the population have had samples taken over the past five days, and 3% of the population have been infected over the same period of time. There have now been a total of 76 deaths to the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

289,700 people aged five and older have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus as of March 9th, comprising 82% of this age group, or 79% of the total population. 204,563 have also received booster shots.

Getting a booster shot is a very straightforward process, with no barcode required. More information on that can be found by contacting your area health clinic or, if you have an electronic ID (rafræn skilriki), through Heilsuvera.

More information can be found at and, in Icelandic, below. Bear in mind that it may take some time for daily figures to be updated in languages other than Icelandic.

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