From Iceland — Davíð Says Nation Would "Get Him For Free", Is Already Costing Us

Davíð Says Nation Would “Get Him For Free”, Is Already Costing Us

Published May 17, 2016

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Lennart Perlenhem/Creative Commons

Davíð Oddsson is touting himself as the bargain-basement presidential candidate, but his pension alone is amongst the highest in Iceland.

During a recent visit to the television show Eyjan, Davíð responded to recent poll numbers which put him far behind the current frontrunner for Iceland’s next president, historian Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.

Amongst the points Davíð he made, he swore that he would not accept a salary for the office if elected president, adding, “I believe it’s only right that the people get me for free.”

The President of Iceland makes close to 2.5 million ISK per month, which is paid through the national treasury – as is Davíð. As DV points out, he already receives one of the highest pension payouts in the country for a former state employee.

While the exact amount Davíð receives from state coffers for his pension is not known, he was Prime Minister from 1991 to 2004, then Foreign Minister, and then Chairperson of the Central Bank until 2009. As such, DV estimates his monthly pension is probably about 1 million ISK.

Presidential elections will be held on June 25.

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