From Iceland — Airplanes Almost Crashed Due To Football Game

Airplanes Almost Crashed Due To Football Game

Published January 31, 2025

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Wikimedia Commons

A crash between two airplanes over Iceland was narrowly avoided last February. The Safety Investigation Authority (SIA) has published the definitive findings of the incident, concluding that the on-duty air traffic controllers were distracted by a football match. The two planes were separated by just 23 metres over Skerjafjörður in Reykjavík.

The incident occurred on February 25, 2024. Three controllers were on duty at Reykjavík airport in the afternoon. According to the SIA’s findings, the controllers started discussing a particular football match which had just begun screening. Based on available recordings, the match had been playing on the television, located in the workspace.

Shortly thereafter, a controller was in communication with seven planes.  Among them were the two which almost collided. At the same time, intense chatting began as a result of the football match.

At 15:26, a loud bang was heard in the recordings when a flight progress strip holder fell to the floor. After the controllers helped pick up the flight strips, the two airplanes were at risk of collision. No traffic instructions had been given to the pilots. The SIA claims that intense discussions about the football match had occurred at the time of the collision risk.

One of the pilots notified the controllers that another plane had flown close by.

Following the incident, the television was disconnected.

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