From Iceland — Three Arrested For Knife Attack In Reykjavík

Three Arrested For Knife Attack In Reykjavík

Published September 11, 2024

Photo by
Art Bicnick for The Reykjavík Grapevine

On the morning of September 10, a man in his twenties was attacked by a group of knife-wielding youngsters in central Reykjavík. Police arrested three suspects, two of whom were underage, RÚV reports.

All three were taken into custody, with one 17-year-old suspect being brought to juvenile rehabilitation centre Stuðlar. He had left the centre on a weekend parole and did not return. The alleged attacker is a 16-year-old male. He was brought to an appropriate childcare facility.

The victim sustained minor injuries and has since been discharged from hospital care. The police were uncertain whether the victim and suspects were familiar with one another.

In recent weeks, reports of youth violence have been prevalent following the murder of 17-year-old Bryndís Klara Birgisdóttir on Culture Night, August 20. The government quickly announced a national campaign against youth violence, based on a 14-point action report devised earlier this summer.

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