From Iceland — Carcass Of A Humpback Whale Spotted Near Garðskagaviti

Carcass Of A Humpback Whale Spotted Near Garðskagaviti

Published March 11, 2021

Photo by
Natsha Nandabhiwat

The carcass of a deceased humpback whale has been floating around the sea near Garðskagaviti and has attracted the attention of many locals, Fréttablaðið reports.

No decisions has been made on what to do with the whale.

Gísli A. Víkingsson, a marine biologist at the Marine Research Institute, has stated in an interview with the news agency that there is not good enough access to the carcass to do research.

Whale, it’s not the first time this has happened.

“Of course, it is only natural that whales drift ashore, which is then natural, they die from something,” Gísli told Fréttablaðið. “But one of the things we look for is whether there are any external injuries.”

The marine biologist went on to say that “between one and three whales run ashore each year and sometimes up to six individuals.”

The whales that stay in the north over the winter often do so in alignment with the capelin migration. Gísli  believes that the whale was likely looking to feed on the little fish.

Quite the sight to behold.

Many residents in the area have made a trip to see the carcass despite the bad weather.

Up until 1970, humpback whales were very rare due to overfishing in the early 20th century.

In 1987, the Marine Research Institute counted just over 2,000 whales. In recent years, scientists have counted between 10-15,000 individuals.

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