From Iceland — VIDEO: Iceland Experiences Powerful Lightning Storm

VIDEO: Iceland Experiences Powerful Lightning Storm

Published February 22, 2019

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Benjamin Stäudinger/Wikimedia Commons

An uncommon lightning storm swept over the capital area last night, prompting a public warning from weather officials to stay indoors.

Reykjavík area residents were treated last night to an uncommon (although not rare) event, as thunder and lightning struck multiple times. While lightning strikes do happen in Iceland, it is highly unusual to experience multiple strikes in the capital area.

The situation was intense enough for a general warning to be issued from the Icelandic Met Office, advising people to stay indoors and to absolutely not go swimming outdoors.

Grapevine was fortunate enough to be sent a video, taken from a dashcam on board a tour bus last evening, courtesy of Aflafréttir, which you can watch below. Eight lightning strikes in all are recorded in the footage.

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