Suspected terrorists, or people with connections to ISIS or other terrorist organizations, may have landed in Keflavík Airport on multiple occasions, according to Fréttablaðið.
Suðurnes Police Chief Ólafur Helgi Kjartansson told Fréttablaðið, “We’ve seen no indication that terrorists regard Iceland as a final destination.”
The last time an evil empire showed interest in Iceland, Britain invaded. Which sheds a different light on David Cameron’s upcoming visit, as Icelanders are notoriously pigheaded when it comes to independence.
Germany idealized Iceland, making unfounded claims about Iceland’s inner workings and overestimating the truthfulness of the mythos surrounding the island–not unlike almost every internet meme today.
ISIS has shown interest in Iceland before, with the minimalist possibilities of the .is web domain and possibly recruiting filmmakers. One can only speculate why Iceland is only a stopover and what ISIS members would do in Iceland during that stopover: Blue Lagoon, Golden Circle Tour, and, possibly, an ironic visit to Njál’s Saga Centre? Who knows?
It’s possible ISIS would be just as disappointed in Iceland as Germany was (and is). When faced with the realities of Iceland, Germany lost its lust. Dr. Werner Gerlach, a German Consul, was tasked with convincing Icelanders to join the Nazi cause.
Dr. Gerlach stated in one of his memos, which are stored in the National Archives of Iceland, “We need to reconsider our position on Iceland completely. We need to have scientists do what can be done, but other than that, this grovelling, which meets no kindness, must stop. Modern Icelanders do not deserve us, neither for their temperament, nor their significance, with the exception of a few.”
Iceland has never been the idealized version of itself, but this failure is also a triumph. A stopover country is a peaceful country. Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world…according to the internet.
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