From Iceland — Norwegian Man Faces Charges For Reckless Tourism

Norwegian Man Faces Charges For Reckless Tourism

Published May 27, 2013

Authorities at Þingvellir National Park are pressing charges against a Norwegian who dove into Silfra rift without a permit on Friday, RÚV reports.
According to Þingvellir authorities, the Norwegian man knowingly ignored strict rules regarding diving procedures which they say are clearly posted in the area. The man flouted the rules by failing to notify park rangers of his intention to dive and plunging into Silfra rift alone and without proper equipment.
The diver lost consciousness during the dive, and an ambulance was called to the scene. Two experienced divers happened to be diving in Silfra at the time and managed to rescue and resuscitate the man. However, upon regaining consciousness, the man refused ambulance aid and left the scene of the accident on his own.
New rules and notifications regarding diving in Silfra rift were passed and posted at the beginning of the year owing to a growing number of accidents, the most recent fatal accident having occurred at the end of 2012. Park authorities say they are pursuing the matter against the Norwegian in order to set a precedent and show that the rules will be taken seriously.

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