Author: Owen Tyrie

Two Earthquakes Felt In The Capital Area Last Weekend
by Owen Tyrie
Earthquakes originating from the southwestern end of Kleifarvatn were felt in Reykjavík this weekend. The first one was about twenty…

Only One Third Of Every Infection Control Violation Has Been Fined
by Owen Tyrie
From 1 March 2020 to and including 20 April, 312 violations of the Epidemiological Control Act have been registered by…

Students Apparently Worried To Attend Spring Exams
by Owen Tyrie
This morning on the TV show Morgunútvarp on Channel 2, Jóhanna Ásgeirsdóttir, outgoing president of the National Association of Students…

Heiðlóan Has Been Voted Bird Of The Year 2021
by Owen Tyrie
Heiðlóan (pluvialis apricaria, or the European golden plover) is the winner of the election for the title Bird of the…

Plokk Dagurinn – Be Part Of The Solution, Not The Pollution.
by Owen Tyrie
Do you hate trash? Are you tired of garbage cluttering up beaches and other natural wonders? Want to make a…

Iceland To Distribute Janssen Vaccine Next Week – No Limit As To Who Can Receive It
by Owen Tyrie
Kamilla Sigríður Jósefsdóttir, project manager of the Infectious Disease Control department of the Directorate of Health, announced at a civil…

A Magnitude 4.1 Earthquake Was Felt In Reykjavík Last Night
by Owen Tyrie
At around 23:05 last night, there was a magnitude 4.1 earthquake detected about five kilometres northeast of Grindavík. This was…

New Interactive Chase Game On The Streets Of Reykjavík Made By UNICEF
by Owen Tyrie
A new UNICEF advertising campaign was launched today in Iceland which features an interactive game taking place in the capital….

50 Geese Have Died Due To Unknown Circumstances
by Owen Tyrie
This weekend, 50 white-fronted geese were found dead in Hvalnes in Lón and in Suðurfjörður, Fréttablaðið reports. An announcement from…

Former Independence Party Councilman In Support Of Reducing Speed Limits In Capital Area
by Owen Tyrie
Gísli Marteinn Baldursson, former Reykjavík City Councilman for the Independence Party, has recently come out in favour of reducing the…

The Two Northernmost Craters Have Stopped Erupting
by Owen Tyrie
A month has passed since the volcano in Geldingadalur first erupted, and the two northernmost craters have stopped erupting. Birgir…

SÁÁ Will Receive 55 Million ISK For Shutting Down Slot Machine Operations
by Owen Tyrie
Einar Hermannsson, chairman of SÁÁ, has stated that the company will receive 55 million ISK this year due to their…

Traffic On Suðurstrandarvegur Increased By 500 Percent Since Volcano First Erupted
by Owen Tyrie
According to information on Vegagerðin’s website, traffic on Suðurstrandarvegur (the road near the volcano) has increased by 500 percent since…

Strong Protests Against Speed Limit Reductions In The Capital Area
by Owen Tyrie
Vörður, a representative council of independent associations in Reykjavík, have stated that they strongly oppose the the Reykjavík City Council’s…

A Quarter Of The Population Have Visited The Volcanic Eruption
by Owen Tyrie
A quarter of the population of Iceland has made their way out to Geldingadalur to visit the new volcano, Fréttablaðið…

Livestream Of The Eruption Has Been Watched Over Ten Million Times
by Owen Tyrie
There have been about 10 million views of the YouTube RÚV stream of the eruption in Geldingadalur. About 20 foreign…

Icelanders Live Longer And Feel Well In Their Later Years
by Owen Tyrie
Statistics Iceland has published a report which shows that the lifespan of Icelanders over the past few decades has been…

Olís, Snælandsvídeó, Núpalind and Skálinn All Stopped Using Slot Machines In Their Stores
by Owen Tyrie
Olís, Snælandsvídeó, Núpalind and Skálinn in Þorlákshöfn have all stopped using slot machines in their stores, Fréttablaðið reports. The reason…

Eruption Site Closed To The Public Today Due To Bad Weather
by Owen Tyrie
The weather at Geldingadalur is extremely wet and windy today so the police in Suðurnes have decided to close the…
Chief Of Police Finds People’s Views On Border Control To Be Wild
by Owen Tyrie
Víðir Reynisson, chief of police at the National Commissioner of Police’s Civil Protection Department, appeared on RÚV’s television show Kastljósið…
Decrease To Maximum Speeds On More Streets In Reykjavík
by Owen Tyrie
There are plans to increase the number of streets in the city with a 30kph speed limit, RÚV reports. The…

New Regulations Announced, Swimming Pools And Gyms Open Again
by Owen Tyrie
As of Thursday this week, swimming pools and gyms will be open to the public again alongside other changes to…

New Names Confirmed By The Icelandic Naming Committee
by Owen Tyrie
Karlynja, Vetur, Emill and Róm are a few of the names that have been added to the official list of…

80% Of Icelanders Want Stricter Border Measures
by Owen Tyrie
About 80% of Icelandic people want tougher border measures than the current ones in place, RÚV reports. Only one percent…

Two New Eruptions Opened At Geldingadalur This Morning
by Owen Tyrie
New fissures opened up at the eruption site in Geldingadalur this morning, on either side of the crater that opened…