From Iceland — Icelandic Met Office Announces End Of Volcanic Eruption

Icelandic Met Office Announces End Of Volcanic Eruption

Published June 24, 2024

Photo by
Civil Protection and Emergency Management

The volcanic eruption that began on May 29 appears to have ended, according to a statement by the Icelandic Met Office. On June 22, no activity was visible when Civil Protection flew a drone over the area. Additionally, unrest on nearby seismometers has dropped and is now comparable to what was measured before the eruption began.

However, it can still be expected for some time that older lava will continue to flow slowly along the northern side of Sýlingarfell and near the L1 protective barrier where lava streams have flowed over.

The volcanic eruption lasted for 24 days. Activity in the crater has been waning over the last few days. The lava field from this eruption is the largest, both in area and volume, of the five eruptions that have occurred on the Sundhnúkur crater row since December 2023.

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