From Iceland — Media Company Árvakur Hit By Russian Cyber Attack

Media Company Árvakur Hit By Russian Cyber Attack

Published June 25, 2024

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Wikimedia Commons

On June 23, newspaper Morgunblaðið’s online outlet and radio station K100 went offline due to a massive cyber attack on the company’s computer system. Parent company Árvakur announced that a Russian crime organisation was responsible for the attack.

According to RÚV, head of national cyber security Guðmundur Arnar Sigmundsson stated that foreign traffic was subsequently blocked — a standard practice in similar situations. Both and K100 are now online.

Minister of Tourism, Trade and Culture Lilja Alfreðsdóttir commented on the attack: “By attacking a media outlet, democracy itself is being targeted. This relates to national security and should be considered extremely serious.”

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