Author: Charlie Winters - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Speedrunning Therapy: Charlie Is Thera-pissed


You’ve been sitting in this ugly room for roughly an hour. You’ve rambled about your problems at work and personal…

Musings On The Beast of Búrfellsgjá


Just when you thought it was safe to explore nature… No one believes me, but I know what I saw…

True Crime in the Countryside


Charlie’s latest musings take a dark turn … toward murder most foul You’re rumbling around in a beaten down jeep….

These Are The Days Of Your Lives

by and

You have some nerve showing your face around here — may as well read your horoscope Previously on Horotropes: After…

A Heist Worth a Million Fjall-króna


Every year, the Lady of the Mountain walks out onto stage decked out in the most expensive costume this island…

Give’Em The Old Razzle Dazzle

by and

And a 5, 6, 7, 8… will you hit your mark or fall flat? The curtain rises. The stage is…

Horrortropes: Wild West Woes

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Slap some bacon on a biscuit and let’s go! We’re burnin’ daylight! WOOOoooOOOooOOOOO. Waaaa waaa waaaaaa. Welcome to Reykjavik, the…

There’s an election happening!?


Charlie is here to help you cast your ballot right You’ve been keeping to yourself; haven’t really gone out much….

Horrortropes: The End is Noir

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Horoscopes can’t be all bad, but these come the closest Case-4-24, it’s been sitting on your desk for a while….

Austentatious Predictions on Love

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Will you swoon or sink in the month ahead? It’s all in the stars. It is a truth universally acknowledged…

I’m Starting a Cult: Really, How Hard Can It Be?


In the woods of Iceland, a figurehead stands at a podium wrapped in gold-adorned silk. The congregation kneels before them…

What a Drag: A maiden voyage into the wild and wonderful world of drag


The lights are burning straight into my eyes. One wobbly step at a time I click-clack onto the stage like…

Horrortropes: Fantastical Fortunes

by and

Don’t fear your fortune (or do, it’s up to you) The Dark Lord Skuggamyrkur’s armies are beating down the forces…

Blue Lagoon 2: The Lost World™


The evolution of luxury tourism is just one eruption away The azure waters wash over you. The innate healing properties…

Still Single, Hoping to Mingle: Bad advice for finding queer love


When you arrive the first thing that you notice is that the sun never sets on this queer little island….

A Thinkle For Your Tinkle


On public toilets and public decency in Reykjavík We’ve all been there, running around with a wide-eyed look using all…

I’m Mad: Let Me Count The Ways


You say to yourself, “Slow breaths… in through the nose… out from the mouth… þetta reddast… it’ll all be fine.”…

Vampires! They’re Back!


Dear reader, you are in danger. For they have returned. Ready your garlic, your stakes, your pitchforks, your torches. They…

Ready for the Airwaves Shaka Brah


A helpful guide to concert etiquette The pounding baseline echoes in your chest. You can catch glimpses of the stage…

Thrifted, Bought, Stolen: The Halloween costume advice you seek is here


Witches cackle as they exchange snus on the corner of Hverfisgata. A werewolf tries to charm the sexy nun under…

At The Route Of The Problem


Uncovering the physics and intrigue of Reykjavík’s transit system Time doesn’t seem to pass as you hold your phone to…

A Story of How Iceland Fell


The end of days in the North Atlantic Day 5012 since the great disappearance. The metal shell of this braggi…

The Rocks of Tjörnin Called Tjörnin Rocks


Waves crash against mossy stones. Plants sprout from every corner of this lush natural landscape. The squawk of seagulls intermingles…

Behold The Chrome Majesty


Discovering the secrets of the swimsuit dryer The wet feet shlop against the tiled floors. Water from the showers batters…

HELP! I Am Stuck In A Parking Lot Again


The husks of empty cars lie silent and unmoving. The painted lines meet in jagged corners marking acceptable parking spots….