From Iceland — Child Assaulted In Hafnarfjörður

Child Assaulted In Hafnarfjörður

Published May 23, 2024

Photo by
Art Bicnick for The Reykjavík Grapevine

On May 22, a 12-year-old girl was assaulted by an adult man in Hafnarfjörður, RÚV reported.

The girl was on her way to school when an adult man snuck behind her, grabbed her by the throat and covered her mouth. According to the victim’s parents, she managed to bite the assailant, kick him and break free. The girl subsequently went to her school where she contacted her parents, who then reported the attack to the police.

Hafnarfjörður police are investigating four similar cases occurring in the same month where a man has terrorised and followed children. Police cannot confirm whether the same perpetrator committed the acts.

The man is yet to be found. The case is under investigation.

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