Starting in 2024, passengers of public transit municipal assocation Strætó will need to show proof of fare when travelling onboard Reykjavík’s yellow buses.
Strætó CEO Jóhannes Svavar Rúnarsson spoke with mbl.is, stating that people without a valid ticket can expect to be denied entry and face a fine upwards of 15.000 ISK. Jóhannes hopes this measure will do away with the company’s monetary losses deriving from unpaid tickets.
Alongside this development, Strætó aims to increase the number of ticket scanners onboard the fleet, possibly installing scanners at certain bus stops.
As of now, Strætó is not equipped with the tools needed to impose automatic fines, although drivers are able to deny entry.
On two separate occasions, November 28 and 29, Strætó reported a network outage with the bus fare app Klapp. The app, needed to purchase electronic tickets, was temporarily offline. All passengers were admitted onboard during the outages.
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