New figures from the National Registry show that a total of 374,704 people lived in Iceland at the end of last month. That’s an increase of 6,000 since December last year, RÚV reports.
The number of Icelandic citizens has increased by 3,489 during the same time frame. The rate is in line with the typical increase of 1.1%.
2,500 more foreign nationals are living in Iceland than at the end of 2020. The number of foreign nationals now stands at 53,973 which accounts for 14.4% of the country’s population. These residents hail from 160 different countries.
Immigration from Poland slowed during the beginning of the pandemic but the number of Polish nationals living in Iceland is now on the rise again. They are the most populous group of foreigners living in the country, at a total of 21,018.
The second most numerous foreign nationality living in Iceland is Lithuanian, with 4,738 individuals residing here.
The number of US citizens has increased by 16.1% in the previous ten months. There are now a total of 994 residing in Iceland.
More data can be found here, including a spreadsheet of the number of inhabitants by citizenship.
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