From Iceland — Gambling Addiction Association Believes Activities By University of Iceland Lottery To Be Illegal

Gambling Addiction Association Believes Activities By University of Iceland Lottery To Be Illegal

Published March 31, 2021

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A lawyer for the Gambling Addiction Association (SÁS) considers the activities of University of Iceland Lottery (HHÍ) to be illegal and punishable, Fréttablaðið reports.

This was stated in a letter from the lawyer sent to the University Lottery on March 8.

The letter states that despite the fact the operation of slots machines is punishable by law in this country, HHÍ has an bizarre exemption from the law which the letter says “does not seem to be in any way in line with the reality that the operation of slot machines and gambling has been in recent years and decades.”

Breaking the law, breaking the law…

According to law, it is a criminal offense in this country to make gambling a profession as well as to earn income by having gambling take place in the person’s premises.

The letter from the lawyer representing SÁS states that  the operation of slot machines on behalf of HHÍ has gone far beyond the original authorization and exemption, then there has also been limited supervision of the operation.

Háspenna ehf. has profited from the operation of slot machines on behalf of HHÍ which means they may have technically broken the law and are punishable.

You’re nicked

The lawyer demands that the partnership between Háspenna and HHÍ end with the slot machine operation also closing in the next 10 days.

If those demands are not met, the activities in question will be reported to the police.

Alma Hafsteinsdóttir, chairman of the Association of Gambling Addicts, says in an interview with Fréttablaðið that no complaint has yet been filed with the police regarding the case. Explanations have been requested for the University Lottery’s answers to the letter.

In the letter in question, the lawyer states that it is known about the number of individuals who reserve the right to seek redress against the University Lottery, Háspenna and the Icelandic state and demand damages or recognition of liability “for the damage that the operation of an arcade has had on the income and lives of them and their families.”

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