Hveragerði Honours The Couple Taken By COVID-19

Hveragerði Honours The Couple Taken By COVID-19

Published April 3, 2020

Sam O'Donnell
Photo by
Hveragerði Town Website

A somber cloud hangs over the town of Hveragerði as residents remember the couple who became the first Icelandic victims of COVID-19. The woman passed away last week, while her husband succumbed to the illness last night. In response, the town council of Hveragerði published on its website yesterday a heartfelt message of sympathy.

Mayor Aldís Hafsteinsdóttir also mentioned the couple on her Facebook page. “There is grief in our town. We remember wonderful couples, good friends, who said goodbye far too soon. Our minds are with their three sons, their families, siblings, and other relatives and friends.” The town hosted a candlelight vigil for the family.

Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir, Aldís’ sister and managing director of Kjörís in Hveragerði, said this is a heavy blow to the town. The couple worked at Kjörís for many years, and are embedded in the company’s history. “The current conditions make it difficult for us all. It hurts not being able to meet and unite in grief. Therefore, social media must suffice,” Guðrún wrote on her Facebook page. “The situation is deadly serious! Stay at home, respect the ban, and wash your hands!”

At a public information conference yesterday, it was revealed that four people in Iceland had passed away from the virus. At the time of this writing, 1,319 people have caught the disease, 44 are hospitalised, and 12 are in intensive care.

As ever, those looking for more information or advice should go to the Icelandic Government’s excellent COVID-19 help page.

Tune into our daily COVID-Cast for a deeper dive into the day’s developments.

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