The least popular group of people in iceland, those mean people at the Icelandic Weather Office, have deemed that this weekend, the Merchants’ Weekend (a bank holiday of sorts) will be mostly nice and sunny.
One of the key culprits of this summer’s weather fiasco, meteorologist Daniel Þorláksson, has deemed that he and his cronies will throw in a little rain on Friday and early Saturday morning, but after that they will allow fairly bright days throughout the weekend, and “almost” dry. They are not willing to promise however—they will continue to deliberate over the matter until tomorrow or the day after.
Invisible menace
These dastardly weather-controllers are attempting to pawn off the reason for their diffidence on what they call a “shallow low pressure area” which they say has chosen to sneak up on our country on Friday and early Saturday morning. While this invisible menace stalks our lands you can expect a little of “the wetness” in most parts of the country.
Aloof latté-sipping farmers
On Saturday, the weather will dry up in most parts of Iceland, and the warmest weather will be in the West and South, which have been dealt a shitty hand so far this summer. Some say that this is justice, but delivered too little, too late; that the warm-weather inequality between town and country is a wedge issue that will forevermore divide the poor rain-soaked city folk from the aloof, latté-sipping farmers and fishermen of the countryside.
When asked to comment, Mr. Þorláksson walked out of the room. He came back in briefly to tell us that the weather looks similar for Sunday, with potential highs of 18°C, and the North catching a bit of that sweet summer sun. Like they need it.
The non-dramatized parts of this article were sourced from RÚV.
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