Airwaves is upon us and there is no better place to experience all the nitty gritty Icelandic bands. We caught up with (quite probably) the best punk band in town Reykjavík, Tófa (meaning female fox, because let’s face it, they are flipping foxy) and you best believe they will rock your nether regions and kill your brain.
Why Tófa?
Allie: Because Tófa is the shit. We’re unusual and we’re authentic.
Jói: I think it’s rather when Tófa. We at least don’t need any reason.
How would you describe your music?
Allie: The most accurate description would be art punk. We are heavily influenced by 20th century literature and pair it with a bunch of complicated noise. If you listen through our albums you will hear everything from intimate whispers to primal screaming.
Jói: It’s a long, loud and angry burp. Which is funny because I can’t burp.
You have some funny album titles, like ‘Teeth Richards’ and ‘Fleetwood MAX’, explain yourselves!
Allie: Our lyrics, which are written by Jói and myself, are often dark, serious, and pessimistic. Anyone who knows us personally will tell you that we are absolutely ridiculous when we’re together (think endless Steve Brule quotes, fearless farting, and acoustic bathroom improv sessions at parties), so the album titles are a way for us to depict a tiny bit of our lighter side amidst all of the distinctively non-goofy stuff.
Jói: It’s about making fun of older music but with a sprinkle of respect. I guess we are trying to cram ourselfs in to music history and being jerks.
What is your agenda?
Allie: We have five gigs this year! If you only see us once, come to the Gaukurinn gig at 02.30 in the morning on Saturday. It‘s going to be intense.
How important is sex appeal?
Allie: It‘s not.
Tófa is all about the holistic message of our music. Like I mentioned, we are art punk, so the focus should be on how all of the smaller parts fit together. Listen to the intricacy of the beats, analyze the lyrics, observe the album art, and most importantly think about the world beyond yourself: that’s what we want.
However, part of what catches peoples’ attention is that fact that Tófa has a female lead. I totally get it, but that’s not at all what we are thinking about from our end.
Jói: Well not sex appeal but sexuality is clearly a big part of human creativity and aesthetics. Life is all about seeing others perform, and performing for others. Music, like most art, is sexy and linked to religion, performing, ritual, etc. In the end we all just want to end up in bed with each other.
Who is the sexiest member of the band?
Allie: With all that being said – me. Allie. 1000%
You best believe that I’m practicing my smoulder in the mirror as I’m blasting Beyoncé and getting ready for each show. SLAY, BITCH. SLAY.
Jói: To keep my reaching analogy of religion going; Allie is Jesus and the boys are the dirty disciples.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to Tófa?
Allie: Jói once brought us all to tears by drumming naked while doing an impression of…a famous musician. I’ll have to leave it leave it at that.
Jói: Steve Wonder. It was Steve Wonder.
What should we definitely see at Airwaves?
Allie: Hatari. They are dominating.
Jói: Mammút, Megas and Skaði Þórðardóttir.
What’s next for Tófa?
Allie: MORE. More everything. We will finally all be in the same country again by the beginning of 2018, so get your ear holes ready, TÓFA IS COMING.
Thursday, November 2 – 20:50 @ Hard Rock Cafe Reykjavik
Saturday, November 4 – 02:30(AM) @ Gaukurinn
Wednesday, November 1 – 19:00 @ LUCKY RECORDS
Friday, November 3 – 18:00 @ Kaffibarinn
Saturday, November 4 – 16:30 @ Loft
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