Fasten your seat belts people, because the Iceland Airwaves festival just added 34 new acts to their already high flying line-up.
Soul musician Michael Kiwanuka (UK), Malian desert punks Songhoy Blues (ML), rapper Alvia Islandia (IS), Norwegian rising star Sigrid (IS) and the Minster of Health’s HAM (IS) are among the new members of the cabin crew (pun intended). The line-up already featured big names such as Fleet Foxes (US), Glowie (IS), Billy Bragg (UK) and Mahalia (UK) to name but a few.
Don’t kill my vibe
One of the acts to keep your eye on, our lend your ear to, is the up-and-coming Norwegian singer and songwriter Sigrid, most known for the belter single “Don’t Kill My Vibe”. “I almost killed that Mac keyboard due to angry writing,” she states when talking about the writing process of the song (been there, done that – nobody texts faster than a pissed off woman, as they say).
The festival, which started in an airplane hangar at Reykjavík International Airport back in 1999, has grown to become one of the biggest music celebrations in Iceland. It’s known for its particular and hip venues, and for its focus on showcasing up-and-coming artists from around the world. In addition to the five day festival in Reykjavík, Iceland Airwaves will migrate north for two days allowing the good people of Akureyri to join the fun.
The festival takes off on November 1 and lands on the 5, and damn is it looking fly.
If you’re feeling like going on a festival journey like no other, get your ticket now at tix.is.
For more information visit http://icelandairwaves.is/
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