As what may be the worst storm in over 20 years breaches the south coast of Iceland, the country prepares as best it can.
The storm, which is forecast to bring winds from 35m/s to 50m/s to much of the country through today and tomorrow, has put the whole country on guard. Both the National Police and Civil Protection in Iceland have issued a national alert, and all available staff are on watch.
As to be expected, there are many closings. Bus service – both charter and municipal – as well as domestic flights will not be in service. Most schools are closing early, as are most shops. Where the capital area is concerned, one can expect things will be shut down by around 16:00. Even the Austurvöllur Christmas tree has been taken down.
Those hunkering down here in Iceland, or who want to follow the storm activity for whatever reason, can see the storm approaching and doing its thing here.
Please be advised that the weather in Iceland is not something to trifle with. Extreme caution must be exercised, as your life could very well depend on it. So stay indoors, charge up your phones and laptops while you can – as power could very likely cut out in parts of the country – and engage in all those indoor activities you have been putting off for such an occasion.
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