As I write this, we here at The Reykjavík Grapevine are locking up the office, making sure all the windows are firmly closed and that every intern is accounted for, preparing to head home to work on our massive queues of unwatched Law And Order: Special Victims Unit episodes, towering stacks of unread books and stashes of secret emergency chocolate.
Earlier, as we were discussing our respective plans for storm-coping, someone rightfully noted: if were in a sitcom, this would be the start of a great episode. But, as our appearance and candour makes painfully apparent, we’re not in a sitcom. That doesn’t mean we can’t try to make a great episode, however, so we decided to engage in a bit of tweeting as we brave the storm and try to stay safe.
Below, read all our tweets! Contribute your own stories to the mix [via this hashtag #rvkstormpocalypse]. And don’t forget to take a moment to send some warm, dry, grateful thoughts to the ICE-SAR folks, police and medical staff who are on standby to assist us in case of emergency. Let’s try to make their life easier by avoiding risky situations at any cost.
#rvkstormpocalypse Tweets
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