Customs officials in the northeast village of Seyðisfjörður confiscated a mysterious dildo filled with marijuana, which they have since handed over to police.
Árni Elísson, a customs official in the village where the Norræna Ferry from Denmark and the Faroe Islands docks, told RÚV that the mystery began when two men came to his office bearing the dildo, which they said they had found on the pier. Immediately, the customs’ drug dog began to react to the dildo, tipping off the official that there was more than met the eye.
Upon further inspection of the dildo, it was found to contain about eight grammes of marijuana.
For now, it is difficult to narrow down possible suspects. The ferry was bearing passengers from Denmark, but also made a stop in the Faroe Islands. By this point, the dildo smugglers could be anywhere in Iceland. Árni believes the suspects likely tossed the dildo out the car window, “not daring to try to take it through customs”.
The dildo and its contents have reportedly been handed over to police in Eskifjörður for further investigation.
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