Yesterday, a junior college gender studies students’ convention at Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi, a hashtag borne out of a seminar on sexism ended up trending on Twitter, reports Vísir.
“I was really lucky to be a part of it,” said journalist María Lilja Þrastardóttir who lead the seminar with teenagers from a number junior colleges across the country. “Instead of a traditional speech or seminar we decided to try and create something that could continue and live outside the seminar.”
What they created was the hashtag #6dagsleikinn and student attendees were then encouraged to use the hashtag and Twitter’s 140 characters to share experiences in which they have been subjected to sexism.
“The idea came up and after a democratic election [the kids] decided on #6dagsleikinn. It’s comparable to the EveryDaySexism project made popular abroad,” said María Lilja.
Since yesterday the hashtag has taken off in Iceland, social media users young and old, men and women have taken to using it to share their stories, tragicomic and just plain tragic.
Of course, we’ve collected and translated few for your perusal.
Embla Hulds tweets, “‘Wouldn’t you like to shoot a porno with me?’ – Taxi Driver driving me home #6dagsleikinn”
“Langar þig ekki að leika í klámmynd með mér” leigubílstjóri að keyra mig heim #6Dagsleikinn
— Embla Huld (@emblilius) April 15, 2015
Arnar Ingi Ingason tweets, “When boys say girls should leave something to the imagination #6dagsleikinn.”
þegar strákar segja að stelpur verði að skilja eitthvað eftir handa ímyndunaraflinu #6dagsleikinn
— Arnar Ingi Ingason (@arnaringason) April 16, 2015
Hildur Kristín tweets, “What do you do at QuizUp, answer the phones? #6dagsleikinn”
“Hvað ertu að gera hjá QuizUp, ertu að svara í símann?” #6dagsleikinn
— Hildur Kristín (@hihildur) April 15, 2015
Stefán Gunnar tweets, “My little nephew was late to football practice because ballet class ran late and the coach asked if he was a fag. He quit ballet. #6dagsleikinn”
Litli frændi minn kom seint á fótboltaæfingu vegna balletæfingar og þjálfarinn spurði hvort hann væri hommi. Hætti í ballet. #6dagsleikinn
— Stefán Gunnar (@StefanGunnarSig) April 15, 2015
Alma Ágústsdóttir tweets, “If I don’t laugh at a rape joke I’m just frigid, but if I explain why I don’t think it’s funny I’m a feminist cunt. #6dagsleikinn”
Ef ég hlæ ekki að nauðgunarbrandara er ég þurr, ef ég útskýri afhverju mér finnst hann ekki fyndinn er ég femínísk kunta #6dagsleikinn
— Alma Ágústsdóttir (@kynvera) April 15, 2015
Birgir Þór Björnsson tweets, “Being called “whipped” or a girlfriend-fag just because you want to chill with your girlfriend rather than your friends and/or partying #6dagsleikinn”
Að vera kallaður “whipped” eða kærustufaggi fyrir að vilja chilla með kærustunni frekar en vinunum og/eða djamma #6dagsleikinn
— Birgir Þór Björnsson (@birgirbjoss) April 16, 2015
Sunna Ben tweets, “When I’m out alone late I without fail have keys between my fingers, 112 already punched in and my finger ready for action #6dagsleikinn”
Þega ég er ein úti seint er ég undantekningalaust með lykla á milli fingranna, 112 slegið inn og fingurinn í viðbragðsstöðu #6dagsleikinn
— Sunna Ben (@SunnaBen) April 16, 2015
Róbert Ingi tweets, “Because I’m a legend for sleeping with a girl who’s a slut for sleeping with me. #6dagsleikinn”
Af því eg er legend fyrir að sofa hjá stelpu sem er drusla fyrir að hafa sofið hjá mér #6dagsleikinn
— Róbert Ingi (@RbertIngi96) April 15, 2015
Hrafnhildur Agnars tweets, “Because there are fucking women’s chess tournaments and men’s chess tournaments! #6dagsleikinn”
Því það er keppt í fokking kvennaskák og karlaskák! #6dagsleikinn
— Hrafnhildur Agnarsd (@Hreffie) April 16, 2015
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