The board of halfway house Krossgötur (Crossroads) have asked The Office of the Special Prosecutor for an audit of 2008-2012 as they suspect former director and televangelist Gunnar Þorsteinsson of misuse of funds, reports RÚV.
Televangelist Gunnar Þorsteinsson is most known in Iceland for being the former head of pentecostal church The Cross, for running halfway house Crossroads and for abuse allegation made against him by several women in 2010.
In the letter to the Office of the Special Prosecutor the board writes:
“[We] desire an investigation into whether expenses, which were charged as Crossroads expenses in the foundation’s accounts were the personal expenses of the then director of Crossroads. It appears that many assets purchased in the aforementioned timeframe from stores such as Elko and/or Bilko – washing machines, refrigerators, driers, televisions and other household items – never reached the foundation as far as the current board is aware.”
“This is just a show put on for the upcoming annual meeting,” said Gunnar who has outright denied the allegations. ”Anyone can see that.”
The request for an investigation was made following an anonymous tip to the board and the Office of the Special Prosecutor has been asked to go over a few million ISK worth of expenses and loans made to The Cross totaling a little over 1.3 million ISK.
The board of pentecostal church The Cross, which Gunnar used to run, have also decided to request an investigation of the finances for the years 2008-2012.
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