Pig Gelding Becoming More Humane

Pig Gelding Becoming More Humane

Published July 8, 2014

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

Progress has been made in encouraging Icelandic pig farmers to abide the law where the gelding of pigs is concerned.

“The large pig farms have hired veterinarians to geld pigs with anaesthetic,” Auður Arnþórsdóttir, a veterinarian at the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST), told Vísir. “All pig farms are obligated to use anaesthetic when gelding pigs. There are no exceptions to this rule.”

There are 16 major pig farms in Iceland, Auður added, along with farms that raise pigs amongst other livestock or crops. MAST will be sending representatives to all of them, regularly, to be sure the farmers are following the law.

As reported, the practice of gelding pigs without anaesthetic is widespread in Iceland, despite the fact that it is illegal. MAST announced last May it would be conducting inspections of pig farms, starting in June.

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