Editor’s note: At 6:46 in this video Valur states that restaurants and bars are closed in Iceland because of Coronavirus. Bars are closed, but restaurants can accept up to 20 guests until 21:00. This is an ever-evolving situation so please always check covid.is for accurate and up-to-date information on the pandemic and associated restrictions. More information here.
Welcome back to RVK Newscast. Today Reykjavík Grapevine’s editor-in-chief, Valur Grettison, is in the town of Mosfellsbær to discuss a local scandal, as well as bringing you a Covid-19 update and news of volcanic eruptions. Chief Morale Officer, Pollý, is also in attendance of course!
Covid numbers are holding steady, as the so-called ‘fourth wave’ of the pandemic in Iceland rages on. Tougher restrictions aimed at counteracting the high levels of infection were introduced last week. The government has released figures on the number of children who have been infected with the virus so far this year, as the drive to vaccinate those aged 5-12 continues in earnest. Read all of our Covid reporting here.
A young student caused mild outrage when he took part in a popular Iceland quiz show ‘Gettu betur,’ by falsely claiming that he was a student in Mosfellsbær. The young man revealed that he didn’t actually attend the school after his team lost the competition.
And finally, Icelandic scientists have recorded the shockwave from the Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai eruption three times. Geologists in Iceland are paying close attention to this eruption to see what can be learned from it in case there are factors that could be applicable to volcanos in Iceland.
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