From Iceland — New Disease Control Measures Now In Place

New Disease Control Measures Now In Place

Published March 18, 2021

Photo by
Art Bicnick

New regulations from Svandís Svavarsdóttir, the Minister of Health, were put into place at midnight regarding disease control measures.

The rules remain largely the same as the previous regulations apart from some changes to registration of guests at event and rules regarding buffets.

These rules will be in place until the 9th of April, after Easter, where they will be reviewed again.

The following changes have been made

All guests at events such as such as religious and philosophical events, performing arts, culture and sports events, conferences, lectures and the like must be registered in numbered seats and take down information on each person’s name, ID number (kennitala) and telephone number.

No refreshments are allowed to be sold during breaks at these events and guests will be asked to remain seated.

No mixing between quarantine compartments; meaning that event organizers must ensure that there are no more than 50 people in each quarantine compartment and that there is no mixing of guests between compartments.

Buffets will be allowed however guests will be required to disinfect their hands before and after the buffet, in addition to the 2 meter proximity limit.

The rest remains the same

In all other respects, the rules remain unchanged. The maximum limit of the assembly ban will remain fifty people, the two-meter rule will remain in force and the mask obligation will remain unchanged.

The opening hours of entertainment and restaurants will also be the same as before.

Þórólfur Guðnason, chief epidemiologist, suggested that buffets be banned but the Minister of Health did not follow the recommendation.

At the border

As reported, those from outside of the Schengen area who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, or who have recovered from it, may now visit Iceland without having to go into quarantine.

More information on that can be found on the official site of the Icelandic government.

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