Egg Farm To Spread Ten Tonnes Of Chicken Manure Over Field

Egg Farm To Spread Ten Tonnes Of Chicken Manure Over Field

Published August 28, 2020

Sam O'Donnell
Photo by
Thegreenj/Wikimedia Commons

Following the expansion of the egg farm Vallá á Kjalarnesi, the company will distribute about 10 tonnes of chicken manure per day to the land of local farm Geldingaá in Hvalfjarðarsveit, Fréttablaðið reports. That makes roughly 3,500 tonnes per year. The manure will be used as fertiliser.

The egg farm aims to increase the number of birds from 50,000 to 95,000, which should facilitate the production of manure. The farm also plans to renew their equipment.

The local government of Hvalfjörður took up the matter this week, and the environment, planning and nature conservation committee pointed out that in the current master plan of the municipality, there are some marked water sources and wells in the area where the manure is scheduled to be spread.

The municipality wants an independent party to assess whether there is a risk that the water source in the vicinity of the distribution area could be polluted. The committee also stated that the discussion on odor pollution will not only cover conditions on Vallá, but will also discuss odor pollution as a result of the proposed fertiliser at Geldingaá.

“The committee is also considering whether the chicken manure that will be distributed in the land of Geldingaá will attract birds that spread it further around the area. This and other possible routes of transmission must be given an account for in the initial assessment report,” the minutes of the local council said. The committee also asked how the manure will be transported, and the possible effects on traffic and traffic safety in Hvalfjarðarsveit.

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