The English-language data page on covid.is has displayed different information to that on the Icelandic-language page two days in a row.
At the time of writing the English-language page is not showing correct updated data, as the screenshot below demonstrates. It states that 21 people are in isolation with confirmed cases of COVID-19 whereas the Icelandic language page has been updated to show that three new domestic infections were detected yesterday and as a result there are now 24 people in isolation.
Yesterday, the data on the English-language site was also incorrect for a number of hours after 11:00, the time when numbers are meant to be updated. The site stated that 121 people were in isolation, rather than the true number: 21.
The covid.is website is available in 11 languages but the data page is only viewable in Icelandic, English and Polish. The Polish page is currently displaying the same information as the Icelandic page, the problem appears to be isolated to the English-language data page.
In related news, the covid.is data page will only be updated on Tuesdays and Fridays from now on. This is the first time since the page’s launch in March that updates will not be made daily.
Iceland’s data transparency has been a widely celebrated part of its COVID-19 response to date, so the recent errors and changes are sure to cause concern.
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