Where’s the remote? Ah, nevermind here it is. Bleugh, why do I feel like I’ve seen everything worth watching on Netflix. Seen it, seen it, boring, too depressing, too stupid. I’ll just find something else to do… what the hell? Amazon Prime? Hey Árni, since when do we have an Amazon Prime subscription? Thank you, wonderful supplier of TV.
Ooh, they have Seinfeld! I haven’t seen this in years. Hellooo, tra la la. Oh, yes, Jerry’s hair. Still awful. His ”women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” stand-up routine is even less funny than it was in the ‘90s but I can’t completely hate it because I love him like he’s my uncle.
There’s Kramer, I hope he’s had some therapy since his career passed away in a violent manner.
Whatever happened to Jason Alexander? I better google him. Hmmm, I’m taller than he is. Haha, I’m never taller than anyone. I’ve also never heard of any of these movies he’s been in since he stopped being George. That’s a shame.
Elaine! I still want to be you. Look at all that hair. She’s the funniest. Or maybe George…
Newman! I had forgotten about you, you little rascal. This is still the best sitcom ever made.
Nothing will be better than Seinfeld. Perhaps I would have been a better person if I hadn’t watched it but I don’t have any regrets. I’m probably older than all of them now. That’s an awful feeling. Why does everything have to remind me about death?
You can watch Seinfeld on Amazon Prime. For more TV Goddess reviews, click here.
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