From Iceland — Merchant’s Weekend Weather Forecast

Merchant’s Weekend Weather Forecast

Published August 1, 2019

Photo by
Adobe Stock

After the chilly, rainy summer of 2018, this summer is making quite the comeback. This July’s average temperature totalled up to 13.4 degrees, making it the hottest month in Iceland since temperatures started being recorded. This weekend, temperatures will overall range from 14°C to 19°C with light easterly winds, or variable winds that will be mostly fair.

The West can expect the most sunshine this weekend, particularly the Northwest, with clear skies the majority of Saturday. The North East can expect some sun this Friday cooling down over the weekend but more overcast on Sunday. The Northern and Eastern parts of the country will experience some fog banks, with the Eastern temperatures generally being the coolest over the weekend and some rain showers especially along the coastline.

The Southeast will be mostly cloudy, with some sun Friday afternoon. By comparison, the Southwest can expect some more partial sun on Friday and Saturday, but will be fairly cloudy below Reykjavík. Hvanneyri will enjoy the height of the temperatures this weekend, climbing to 19°C on Sunday, with full sun every day during the daytime.

Those attending the Innipúkinn festivities can look forward to partial sun on Friday and Sunday at around 16°C, with some cooler temperatures dropping to approximately 14°C on Saturday with overcast skies. For those going to Þjóðhátið this weekend, clouds can be expected on Saturday as well, and temperatures throughout the weekend hover at about 12°C. While much of the skies over the festivities in Stórhöfði will be cloudy, it is looking optimistic for full sun late Friday afternoon.

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