From Iceland — Large American Flag Stolen In Siglufjörður Returned By Milkman

Large American Flag Stolen In Siglufjörður Returned By Milkman

Published October 3, 2017

Elías Þórsson
Photo by

A large American flag was stolen from a flagpole in the town Siglufjörður in the north of Iceland this weekend, reports RÚV. The owners of the flag, the father and son duo Valgeir Sigurðsson and Hilmar Valgeirsson are at a loss as to who the perpetrator is and what his motives were.

Did the milkman do it?

Yesterday, the flag was returned in a rather intriguing and mysterious fashion. A milk delivery man in Akureyri–around an hour’s drive away–was approached by the repentant thief who asked him if he could return the flag to Siglufjörður.

The milk delivery man accepted the request and dropped the flag off at a local gas station where it was received by the store manager.

“This is one large flag,” Guðný Sölvadóttir, the manager of gas station Olís told RÚV. “It was rolled up and neatly wrapped and I brought it back to its rightful owners. They were incredibly glad to see that the flag had returned from its journey.”

Very valuable

Hilmar said the flag has great emotional value since he has an American mother. His dad had bought the flag while they were visiting her in Florida some 15 years ago

“It’s a quality flag, sown together with many different materials,” Hilmar said. “It would cost around 250,000 ISK to buy. Stealing it is a serious crime and considering the mood in the US currently, it could be very damaging should it be used for a nefarious purpose.”

The star spangled banner

We hope the two will celebrate the flag’s return by allowing Old Glory to soar like a bald eagle flying west looking for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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