From Iceland — Schoolkids Offer Message Of Peace For The Holidays - VIDEO

Schoolkids Offer Message Of Peace For The Holidays – VIDEO

Published December 19, 2015

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Björgvin Ívar Guðbrandsson

Instead of going to church, primary school kids from Langholtsskóli formed a giant human peace symbol to celebrate the holiday season.

Last month, the principal of Langholtsskóli primary school issued an announcement that the school would not be taking its students on a visit to the local church, as practiced by many schools around the country. This decision was made, the principal said, because not all of the students in the school are Lutherans.

Instead, the schoolkids decided to celebrate the holiday season another way: by forming a giant human peace symbol. A video was taken of the event, which you can see below.

Students bore candles and flashlights and sang the Icelandic translation of John Lennon’s “Imagine”, translated by Þórarinn Eldjárn.

“The teachers had recently discussed with students the importance of peace in the world,” a statement from the school reads in part. “We had a peaceful and cozy monent together.”

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