From Iceland — Goats Used For Gardening Work

Goats Used For Gardening Work

Published August 7, 2015

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

The town of Reykjanesbær has finally found a solution for out-of-control vegetation, as goats accomplish what no machine could.

RÚV reports that the goats (shown above) managed to clear out a patch of thick and fast-growing plant life that has been the bane of lawn mowers and weeders in just a few hours.

The idea first came to Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir, who had read that goats have often been used in other countries to tackle certain gardening and landscaping projects, especially where the clearance of heavy vegetation is concerned. Realising there is a Settlement Era Zoo at nearby Viking World, she and Þóra Jónsdóttir of the Reykjanesbær Work School decided to see if they could borrow a few goats.

“It was so much fun to see how it all worked out,” Þóra told reporters. “We didn’t know how it would go, or if the goats would take to it.”

After a few minutes of checking out the plants, Þóra said, the goats “attacked the vegetation” and dined on them for hours. Once the job was done, they hopped back in the car and were taken back to the zoo.

Þóra believes the goats will be hired again next summer, for as fast and efficiently as they worked.

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