From Iceland — Nasa To Open Again

Nasa To Open Again

Published May 3, 2015

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Grapevine Archives

Famed nightclub Nasa has come out of limbo and will open again soon.

Vísir reports that the club is to be taken under the wing of local celebrity Ásgeir Kolbeinsson, well known to Reykjavík residents as almost iconic of the city’s nightclub scene. Nasa is to undergo numerous “organisational changes”, the nature of which will be announced at the end of the month. There is also the possibility that an event will be held at Nasa this month before those changes kick off, but specifics have yet to be announced.

The club has been in limbo for over three years now, as it was announced in January 2012 that it was going to be torn down to make way for a hotel. This prompted a public outcry, as not just the club but the house itself is beloved by many Icelanders, and it was for a long time uncertain if the building was protected from demolition or not.

Late last year, however, the Prime Minister stepped into the fray, declaring much of the building a cultural heritage site, having originally been built in 1870 as a girl’s school.

While the renovations Nasa is to undergo are unclear, they have been described as “varied, and the possible uses [for the space] maximised”.


Time And Tides And Hotels

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