What Did Iceland's Foreign Minister Really Say To His French Colleague?
On Wednesday, the Progressive Party’s Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi “Barbershop” Sveinsson met with France’ socialist Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius.
According to the Icelandic Foreign Ministry’s press release, the two discussed relations between the countries in the fields of culture, business, tourism, developments in the Arctic, geothermal energy, defence matters and NATO, as well as recent events in Ukraine, the Middle-East and global warming. While this is certainly an impressive set of topics, the press release does not reveal any obviously newsworthy statements on behalf of either Minister.
According to picture which accompanied the press release, however, the duo must also have shared a plaisanterie or two. Our best guess, as unsubstantiated as any other, is above. If you have any idea what the two Ministers’ exchange might be about, an inisight better —or worse— than ours, do tell us. You can fill in the dialogue in the comment system below, as text only or in bubbles, as you wish. We will be most grateful for your contribution.
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