The Social Democrats are now the largest party in the city, with municipal elections only about six weeks away.
RÚV reports that, according to a new Gallup poll, the Social Dems have gone from about 19% during the 2010 city elections to just under 28% today. This would give them five seats on Reykjavík’s 15-seat city council if elections were held today.
At the same time, support for the next largest party – the Independence Party – has been on the wane. While winning 34% of the vote in the previous elections, they stand now at 25.5%, or about four seats on city council.
Jón Gnarr and his Best Party are not running this year, but the Best Party’s sister party – Bright Future – is. They are polling at 24.3%, which would also give them four seats on city council.
The Pirate Party was not a presence in Iceland in 2010, but are currently polling at 10%, down from 13% in a poll the month previous. If elections were held today, they would gain a seat on city council. Likewise the Left-Greens, although they are currently polling at about 7%, which is where they were during the 2010 elections as well.
Where other parties are concerned, none polled high enough to gain a council seat. The Progressives are at 3%, and Dögun is at 2.6%.
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