A pipe carrying hot water to the Árbær neighbourhood of Reykjavík broke last night causing reported damage to about twenty households and 80 C water to flood the streets of Rofabær. No burns were reported.
Reykjavík Energy, which services the city with cold water, hot water and electricity, said it was caused by a blow to the electrical power system, which in turn knocked out a pump in the heating utility system, and led to fluctuations in water pressure, according to a vísir.is report.
The company’s Chief Press Officer Eiríkur Hjálmarsson told mbl.is that the company had received about twenty reports of damage. In one case, the company was told that a heater exploded and the people there spent the night removing their hardwood floors.
Workers spent the night fixing the problem and hot water returned to the affected Árbær neighbourhood at 10:00 this morning, according to mbl.is. They had been without water since the previous evening.
Reykjavík Energy informs those who have endured damage to file their claims with the insurance company VÍS.
See photos of the hot water flooding here.
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