From Iceland — Readers Write: Travel Booking Needed

Readers Write: Travel Booking Needed

Published June 30, 2017

Readers Write: Travel Booking Needed
Photo by
Arpingstone/Wikimedia Commons

Hi there,

I would like an international flight booking, can you help me with it? If yes, I would also like to know the payment methods you accept. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes,

Dear Zach,

We normally like to keep our sidekick hobby as travel agents low key in order to avoid overload, but we’re feeling extra compassionate and helpful today. It can be quite a hassle trying to track down the airlines companies that don’t manipulate you into ridiculous cost-saving ventures, and some ticket scams can leave you with trust issues comparable to that time your friend spotted your significant other on Tinder, or when you bought what you thought was a chocolate chip cookie only to realise it was one with raisins, or when you figured out there was no actual Donkey in Donkey Kong.

So fear not, we got your back. When it comes to payment methods we’re fairly flexible and take both credit and debit cards such as Visa and MasterCard, as well as online transfer systems like Paypal. We offer competitive prices, and consultation is first available after depositing the payment. We don’t accept payment methods such as invoices, because, well, we got trust issues too… If you would like to do a bank transfer, you can name the recipient as “Frank Abagnale’s daughter company.” Sounds good? Catch you later!

Best regards,
The Reykjavík Grapevine

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