Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Iceland Plans How To Vaccinate The Country Against Coronavirus


Like many other countries in the world, Iceland has its sights set on getting a coronavirus vaccine in the first…

State and Municipal Employees To Get Shortened Work Week


The Federation of State and Municipal Employees (BSRB) will be giving its workers a shorter full time work week early…

Icelandic Politicians Respond To ECHR Grand Chamber Ruling


Response for Icelandic politicians—both in the government and the opposition—to today’s European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber ruling that…

ECHR Grand Chamber Upholds Verdict On Iceland’s Appeals Court Case


The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled today in the case of Guðmundur Andri…

What Are Icelanders Talking About? The News That’s Raising Blood Pressure


As with many, if not most, countries in the world, the coronavirus pandemic is at the forefront of Icelanders’ minds…

Protestors Get Mixed Result From Appeals Court; Face Suspended Sentence, Legal Fees


Today, the Appellate Court ruled in the case of Ragnheiður Freyja Kristínardóttir and Jórunn Edda Helgadóttir, who in May 2016…

Rex Pistols Releases ‘What Love Is’


The incomparable Rex Pistols has just dropped a new album, ready for digital download. ‘What Love Is’ features Rex Pistols’…

A Stacked Deck: Police, Courts, And The Right To Protest In Iceland


Icelanders have developed a positive reputation for their protests. Praised for having driven a government out of power, for pressuring…

Famed Natural Landmark Sold To German And Icelandic Private Companies


Hjörleifshöfði, an inselberg off the southern coast of Iceland with centuries-old historic significance to the country, has been sold to…

New “Know Your Rights” Project Aims To Help Immigrants


A new initiative called the Know Your Rights Project, or KYR Project for short, hopes to assist immigrants with a…

Hospital Hit With “Optimisation Requirement” Of 4.3 Billion ISK


Landspítali, Iceland’s national hospital, has often operated at a loss. Last year, they reported a 3.8 billion ISK deficit, and…

Iceland Now With Lowest Infection Rate In Europe


Iceland’s pandemic restrictions, both domestically and at the border, appear to be paying off again. According to the latest data…

What A Twist: Mom Air Turns Out To Be Art Project All Along


To the surprise of—well, someone, we suppose—the mind behind Mom Air has announced that the whole thing is, indeed, and…

COVID Round-Up: 11 Domestic Cases Yesterday, Most Already In Quarantine


11 people were diagnosed positive with the coronavirus yesterday, according to the latest data from Six of these people…

Happy Icelandic Language Day!


Today is a special day in Iceland: “Dagur íslenskrar tungu” (literally “Day Of The Icelandic Tongue,” i.e. “Icelandic Language Day”)….

Sigur Rós Releases New Video, “Stendur Æva”, Featuring Special Guests


Iconic Icelandic band Sigur Rós has released a new single and video today, Stendur Æva. The song features numerous musical…

COVID Regulations To Relax Slightly From November 18th


Minister of Health Svandís Svavarsdóttir has announced that, starting November 18th, there will be some relaxation of the social restrictions…

COVID Round-Up: Eight Domestic Cases Yesterday


Only eight people were diagnosed with the coronavirus in Iceland yesterday, according to the latest data from Two of…

Canadian Company Buys All Exploration Licenses For Gold In Iceland


St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp, a Canadian mining company, has now acquired all the exploration licenses for gold in Iceland. The company…

City Of Reykjavík Buys Sex Toy Shop, Will Turn It Into Playschool


Mayor of Reykjavík Dagur B. Eggertsson announced on Twitter yesterday that city council has approved the purchase of two properties…

Poll: Only Three Parties With Double-Digit Support


A new poll from Market and Media Research, conducted from November 6th to 11th, shows only three parties measuring in…

Mom Air “Not Performance Art Of Any Kind”, Creator Insists


Oddur Eysteinn Friðriksson, the mind behind Mom Air, sent a statement to the Grapevine this morning wherein he states “Mom…

Where Is The New Constitution? – A Nation Still Waits For Iceland 2.0


The collapse of Iceland’s economy in late 2008 incited a tremendous amount of anger in the nation’s people. While the…

New “Budget Airline” Probably Performance Art, Attracts Attention Of Lawyer


The Grapevine and other media outlets received a press release yesterday announcing the creation of a new budget airline called…

Iceland’s Foreign Minister Hedges Bets On US Elections, Hopes For “Good Cooperation”


As international attention is focused on the US elections—in particular, the race for the White House—Iceland’s Foreign Minister Guðlaugur Þór…