Author: Alice Poggio

Laugarvatn: Waterproof Entertainment
by Alice Poggio
Where does one go when you only have one day off from work this week, but you’re long overdue for…

Art of Defiance: Ukrainian Art Comes To Iceland
by Alice Poggio
Óskar Hallgrímsson and Mariika Lobyntseva, power couple behind textile art collaboration “Comfortable Universe”, join us on video call from Kyiv,…

Brotherly Beer: New Brews Crackin’ Open In The Westman Islands
by Iryna Zubenko and Alice Poggio
Jóhann Guðmundsson on inadvertently turning passion into a job you love while bettering his home, the island of Heimaey “Now…

Beluga Whales To Move To Klettsvík Bay Shortly
by Iryna Zubenko and Alice Poggio
Beluga whales Little White and Little Grey, who are now based at the Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary in…

The Islanders: Bergvin Oddsson
by Alice Poggio
Bergvin Oddsson rides his tandem bike through the colourful streets of Heimaey, set against the backdrop of green and misty…

Fúsk It! Iceland’s Burgeoning Creative Hub
by Alice Poggio
An ideal driven laboratory, a creative platform, a community hub, a playground for creatives, an organic and living concept that…

Islands Of Wonder: Winning The Weather Lottery In Vestmannaeyjar
by Alice Poggio and Iryna Zubenko
No matter what the gods have thrown at the Westman Islands (known locally as Vestmannaeyjar)—eruptions, turbulent history, harsh living conditions—it…

“Piercing Crawl”: Our Picks For Piercings In Reykjavík
by Alice Poggio
Piercing has been practised around the globe for centuries, and the general public’s opinion has often been controversial. However you…

Perfect Day: Helga Kristín Torfadóttir
by Alice Poggio
Helga is a young Icelandic geologist, specialising in volcanology. She has been working on the most recent eruption in Reykjanes,…

Lost In Translation: Pigs Might Bark
by Alice Poggio
Mad scientists have done it again! Several litters of a new, genetically modified, genius breed of barking pigs have been…

Complaints Filed Following Incident On Bus To Akureyri
by Alice Poggio
Last week it was reported that two passengers assaulted a driver. Now, two complaints have been filed. Frettablaðið reported on…

Emergency Nurse Plans Resignation As Working Conditions Worsen
by Alice Poggio
Emergency nurse Soffía Steingrímsdóttir is set to resign due to long-term stress and the fact that no solution to the…

Stories And Connections In The Far West: Skjaldborg Returns
by Alice Poggio
The Skjaldborg festival has nurtured Iceland’s documentary scene since its inception in 2007. Like most other aspects of society, it…

Monkeypox Guidelines Published, Isolation Up To Four Weeks
by Alice Poggio
The Directorate of Health has published instructions for the public should the monkeypox reach Iceland. Those infected may have to…

Icelandic Phallological Museum To Receive Jimi Hendrix’s Penis Cast
by Alice Poggio
The Icelandic Phallological Museum will receive a new piece for their collection this coming month, the cast of Jimi Hendrix’s…

Forest Lagoon Opens In Akureyri
by Alice Poggio
The forest lagoon, Skógarböðin, officially opened its doors to guests yesterday. We have been keeping an eye on it for…

Power Line to Westman Islands Temporarily Shut For Ravens
by Alice Poggio
Landsnet has decided to take Vestmannaeyjar Line 1 out of operation for the coming weeks due to a couple of…

Socialist Party Founder Casts Doubts On Infrastructure Minister’s Housing Bill
by Alice Poggio
Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Infrastructure and chairman of the Progressive Party, presented a bill yesterday which aims to improve…

Swan Wasn’t Shot, Driver Takes Responsibility
by Alice Poggio
A driver responsible for the death of a swan two days ago has turned himself in to the police in…

Magma Collecting Close to HS Orka and Blue Lagoon
by Alice Poggio
About one and a half million cubic meters of magma have accumulated a few kilometers below the surface close to…

President Of Iceland And His Delegation Travel To USA
by Alice Poggio
Last night the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, went to the US; specifically, California. There he will lead the…

Icelandic Tourism Industry Will Need To Import Upwards of 9,000 Employees
by Alice Poggio
The Icelandic tourism industry needs to bring in seven to nine thousand foreign workers this year and the next, in…

New In Town: Sirkus
by Alice Poggio
OK, it may not be totally new, but it’s definitely back in town, at long last. After shutting its doors…

Perfect Day: Erlendur Thor Magnusson
by Alice Poggio
Erlendur Thor Magnusson is an Icelandic photographer with a 20-year-long obsession with surfing in any weather conditions. He humbly mentions…

1,800 Earthquakes Recorded Last Week In Reykjanes Peninsula
by Alice Poggio
Around 1,800 earthquakes were measured on the Reykjanes Peninsula last week. RÚV reports thats Kristín Jónsdóttir, earthquake hazards coordinator at…