![](https://i0.wp.com/grapevine.is/wp-content/uploads/Iglesia_Libre_Reikiavik_Reikiavik_Distrito_de_la_Capital_Islandia_2014-08-13_DD_088-e1574864496794.jpg?fit=1000%2C839&quality=99&ssl=1 )
The Muslims recently evicted from a disputed property now have a place to pray for Ramadan – the Free Church of Reykjavík.
As the the Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland (ICCI) recently lost their house of prayer and social functions shortly before Ramadan began, ICCI’s members were left in the position of having no space within which they could gather and pray during the religious holiday.
RÚV now reports that the Free Church in Reykjavík has given them that space.
Rev. Hjörtur Magni Jóhannsson told reporters that the purpose behind granting them prayer space through Ramadan is to increase cooperation and respect between Iceland’s different religious groups.
The validity of ICCI’s eviction is still in dispute, even though Reykjavík District Court found no evidence of wrongdoing. Where the members will permanently go for prayer and social events is still unknown.
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