From Iceland — Influenza: Back With A Vengeance

Influenza: Back With A Vengeance

Published February 20, 2013

After a bit of a lull, the number of cases of influenza being treated at Landspitali rose again last week, reports.
The chief of infectious diseases at the hospital warns that the flu is still very much in season in Iceland and suggests that people take precautions to avoid spreading germs, like covering your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough, and washing your hands regularly.
The hospital confirmed 15 new cases of influenza just last week, 10 with swine flu and the rest with the AH3 strain of the virus that has been wreaking havoc around the world for the past months.
On a positive note, there has been a decrease in the number of reported cases of the RS virus, the bug responsible for acute bronchitis in the winter months. Just three people were diagnosed last week.

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