From Iceland — Iceland Invests Most In Preschools Compared To Europe

Iceland Invests Most In Preschools Compared To Europe

Published January 29, 2025

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Among 37 European countries, Iceland and Sweden were the top funders of public preschool services in 2021 in proportion to GDP, RÚV reports.

According to the EU education network Eurydice, which published a report on preschool-level quality in Europe, Iceland invested 1,8% of its GDP towards preschool services. Iceland was also the country which saw the highest increase in expenditure towards preschools from 2014-2021.

Sweden, Norway, and Finland were next after Iceland. Clinging the bottom rung were Ireland, Greece, Cyprus and Türkiye, spending less than 0,3% of their respective GDP.

EU member states goal is to secure daycare or preschool spots for at least 45% of children aged three and under and 96% of children aged three and older. Iceland’s contribution was above the goals for both age groups.


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