From Iceland — Volcanic Smog Spreads Over Capital Area

Volcanic Smog Spreads Over Capital Area

Published June 11, 2024

Photo by
Art Bicnick/The Reykjavík Grapevine

As the latest eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula keeps spewing freshly molten lava to the surface, northbound winds bring sulphuric pollution to the capital area.

Despite the predicted sunny conditions, on June 11 citizens woke up to a blue-grey mist engulfing the greater Reykjavík area, stemming from sulphur dioxide emissions transforming into sulfate.

According to the Met Office, gas pollution from the volcano might reach as far as Snæfellsnes Peninsula this week. According to the City of Reykjavík, volcanic smog can cause lethargy, headaches, and irritation in the throat and eyes. People are encouraged to limit time spent outside, breathe through their nose, and keep windows and doors closed.

People can monitor air quality on the Environment Agency of Iceland’s website

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