From Iceland — Men Who Have Sex With Men May Soon Be Allowed To Donate Blood

Men Who Have Sex With Men May Soon Be Allowed To Donate Blood

Published November 22, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

Gay, bisexual, pansexual, and other men who have sex with men may be allowed to give blood after the new year, Vísir reports.

This information came to light from Minister of Health Willum Þór Þórsson in response to a question from Social Democrat deputy MP Inga Björk Margrétar Bjarnadóttir on the matter.

The Minister said that the Blood Bank, Landspítali hospital, the chief epidemiologist, and consultants in the field of blood donations are reviewing the current regulations about giving blood through the autumn and are likely to come to a conclusion by the end of the year.

The new year will also being the beginning of NAT screening, which is used to test for the presence of the HIV and hepatitis C viruses. In addition, there will be individual risk assessments done for those wishing to donate blood.

As it stands now, the Blood Bank still enforces a blanket ban on men who have sex with men from donating blood. For comparison purposes, the American Red Cross requires a three-month abstinence period for gay and bisexual men prior to blood donation, but they can ultimately donate.

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